Privacy Policy


To give the best product and price comparison, there is the need to process personal data. Therefore, in our privacy policy, we present information on what needs to be collected from users, how information is processed and activities to protect the integrity of users.

This privacy policy applies to the processing of personal data within pricealt therefore we are the controller of personal data as described in this policy.

Key concepts

  • Personal data means any information that is directly or indirectly associated with a living being. Examples include email address, name, phone number and address. Information on IP addresses and user behaviour when using our website can also constitute personal data.
  • Processing entails the use of personal data for collection, storage and exchange
  • Controller of personal data implies that a party alone and/or together with another party determines the purpose and means for processing personal data. Therefore the controller is responsible for ensuring that processing is under applicable personal data legislation.

Who is responsible for personal data collected?

Pricealt, "our", "us" OR "we" is the data controller for If there is any question regarding the processing of personal data, kindly contact us

Types of personal data we collect

  1. Personal data that is given by the user

    In using the service, you might provide pricealt with personal information like creating a user account or sending messages to our support or providing feedback through our contact forms. The personal data can include name, email address, phone number and other information depending on what is being submitted.

  2. Personal data is collected when the website is used

    When the website is used, data is collected about the usage including products searched for, part of the website used and how you interact with the website. This information can be divided as

    1. Technical information about device and internet connection

      Through server logs and other tools, information about the device, connections to the website and use of services on different devices are collected. The information may include IP addresses, operating systems, cookies and web browsers. This information is used to provide services by reminding your settings and troubleshooting our system.

    2. Information about the use of the website

      Information about how you interact with our service including your interest, visits to the website and which ads clicked are collected.

    3. Location information

      The use of our website helps us to calculate an approximate geographical location and this is based on the IP address used by you. Once location services on your device are accepted, there is a regular collection of more detailed information about your geographical location. However, if you do not want detailed information about the location collected, you can turn off location services on your device. This means we will only collect information about your approximate geographical location based on your IP address.

    4. Cookies and other technologies that locally store data on your device

      We use different technologies to recognize and learn about users once they visit our website. This is done directly or through third parties once you visit the section on the services we provide.

      Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user's previous visits to your website or other websites.

      Google's use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads to your users based on their visit to your sites and/or other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of personalised advertising by visiting Ads Settings

      You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. However, if you do not accept cookies, you may not be able to use some portions of our Site.

  3. Personal data from other sources

    Pricealt may from time to time receive personal data from other sources which may not be collected directly from us from our users. The sources may include partner advertisers' authorities and advertising networks. For instance, a piece of information about a user’s reaction to a product can be made available.


The security of your personal information is important to us, however, please note that no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100 per cent secured. We strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect all personal information yet we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Changes to this privacy policy

This Privacy Policy is effective as of 1st August 2022. It will remain in effect except concerning any changes in the future which will be in effect immediately after being posted on our website. We also reserve the right to change and/or update our Privacy Policy at any time.

Therefore, users should periodically check this Privacy Policy. Please note that your continuous use of our services after any modification to the Privacy Policy is posted on the website is regarded as an acknowledgement of the modification and consent to be bounded and abide by the modified policy.

Also, you will be notified once there are any material changes to this policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or feedback about this Privacy Policy, please contact us

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