Terms Of Use


Hello User!

Welcome to pricealt.com. Kindly read our Terms and Conditions carefully before assessing our website and service which are operated by us at pricealt.com.

Please note that access to and use of our website are conditioned based on your acceptance and compliance with our Terms and Conditions. These Terms and Conditions apply to all users, visitors as well as others who may access or use our website.

By accessing or using our site, you agree to be bounded by these stated Terms and Conditions. However, if you disagree with any part of our terms and conditions, you may reconsider your decision to access and use our website.


Our website posts content that is solely for informational purposes. Product details including the product description and product price as well as additional information are creations of the vendors only.

We will do our best to make available accurate data. Please note that all information including but not limited to prices, descriptions, product name, images, links and delivery information may not be always available or accurate.

This is because the information is obtained from the websites of vendors or third-party of products available on our website.

Links to other websites

Our website contains links to third-party websites or services that are mainly retailers and manufacturers. These links are not owned or controlled by pricealt.com.

Our website has no control over and does not assume the responsibility for the content, practices or privacy policies of third-party websites or services.

We shall not be responsible or liable directly or indirectly for any loss or damages caused or alleged to be caused concerning the use or reliance on any information, content, products or services available on or through third-party websites or services.


There are no charges for using pricealt.com therefore pricealt.com cannot be held responsible for payments to a third-party provider that a user chooses to purchase from. Users are responsible for transactions and payments on the terms agreed with third-party

No endorsement

The mention of a third-party product which includes links or trademarks to the websites of vendors is mainly for informational purposes.

Therefore, it does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation for the third party.

Also, these trademarks or links to the websites of third-party do not directly or indirectly imply that these third parties are affiliated or endorsed by pricealt.com.


We reserve the right to modify and/or replace these Terms and Conditions at any time. A 30-day notice before any new terms will be provided to users.

Contact Us

For further questions about our Terms and Conditions of use, please contact us

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